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Sustainability ‐ with its three parts; environmental, social and economic - is about considering and implementing measures that make our stakeholders, society and ourselves more sustainable every day and in all decisions. An obvious and important part of sustainability is also to secure the quality that we are expected to achieve.

90% renewable fuel

90% renewable fuel

5% electric vehicles, 95% EUR6 vehicles

5% electric vehicles, 95% EUR6 vehicles

92% optimized tours

92% optimized tours

MTAB's environmental work

MTAB's environmental work

  • Towards 100 %
    • Today, our transport are operating on 60% renewable fuels, electricity, and HVO100. The goal? By 2030, we aim to operate entirely fossil-free!
  • Outstanding
    • Our newly built facilities, including warehouses, studios, and offices, are the first in Sweden to achieve BREEAM-SE Outstanding certification. It's the highest rating a building can attain in terms of environmental performance and energy efficiency
  • Win-win
    • Can we repair, renovate, and reuse instead of buying new? All purchases are carefully considered! There's always room for improvement, and we hold ourselves and our partners to high standards.
  • Re-do and correct
    • Through continuous analysis of our operations, we can easier improve and find better, more sustainable solutions.

An important step in MTAB's environmental efforts is its participation in the UN Global Compact program, which addresses not only environmental issues but also human rights. MTAB falls under the category of Industrial Transportation. Global Compact was launched by Kofi Annan approximately five years ago to promote social and environmentally responsible practices among internationally operating companies. Today, hundreds of companies from all around the world are involved in Global Compact.

Environmental principles of the Global Compact include:

1. Supporting preventive measures to address environmental problems.

2. Taking initiatives to promote greater environmental awareness.

3. Encouraging the development of environmentally friendly technologies.